Wanted to pass along another story of what God is doing among us.

Alec was tired of working a job just to survive and asked God for a vocation that would give him life. God led him to teaching, so Alec started studying for a test that would allow him to apply for a position. No guarantees. While waiting for his test results, Alec was informed that his current job would be eliminated in August. With a little over a month before school started He couldn’t even apply for a job.
Alec and Emily kept praying. And you know what happened… God took care of a ton of details that were totally out of Alec’s control.
He passed his test, was offered the first position he applied for, and will start teaching exactly one week after his old job finished.

Only God can orchestrate everything so perfectly for his children.

Romans 8:28
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

It’s true,