Day 2 of the generosity Challenge
Emotional commentary
So, as I stumbled through the pains of “spring forward” this morning, I thought about my day. What would I give, to whom?
So I started thinking through my schedule for the day: of the people that I would be meeting with today, the places I would study, what could I plan to give? Then I decided to just keep my eyes open and wait for the opportunity to call my name. Like it did yesterday.
I started forcing it around 11:00 am, knowing that 12, 2, 5, 8, then 11pm would be here in an instant if I didn’t get on this. I didn’t want to force it, I want this to be sincere, in the real moments of today, March 15, 2011, something that I couldn’t give tomorrow.
Then it happened, a text from a friend about getting a job that he had been hoping for. The rest of my meeting my mind desperately tried to recall what this friend liked. I thought a funny trucker hat from a gas station. No he wears real hats. Then I thought a T-shirt with some ridiculous phrase on it. No, I don’t know his size and that is more for me than him. I even considered just walking through Wal-mart until I found it. No I don’t have the time for that.
Towards the end of my meeting, I realized that I had been thinking about what to get my friend almost the entire time. And that’s it. I was thinking about someone else other than myself today. A successful day 2 of the challenge.
I gave him his favorite drink. He loved it.