Wanted to say thank you and praise God for last Sunday.

Our first worship service in the morning and at Palm Lake was a great success. Meeting in a school cafeteria is exciting because it aligns with our personality as a church that wants to bless the community.

Beyond the excitement of moving, I wanted to let you know how proud I am to be a part of New City Church with all of you. I was thinking how church is different than a business or an Orlando Magic Game. Church is not gathering around a product, (entertainment or even education) but a meeting with God. God actually promises to make his love, provision and joy known to his people as they gather together. It’s not so much about telling God how much you love him, but more about hearing how much he loves you.
I like that. Hard to believe that God speaks through imperfect singing, preaching, and people just being there, but he does. You may not see it from your perspective, but from where I am sitting, God is using you folks to change the world.

Excited, encouraged and honored to be the Church with all of you.
Looking forward to Easter,
