
It was really nice being able to go home last week. Driving the slanted streets, surrounded by water, eating Spud’s fish and chips. Getting back to my roots. Got me thinking about how strong roots dictate the strength and identity of a plant. We have been reading a...

Say thank you…

Kristin sent me this a week ago. “I heard this question on the radio along the lines of … What would you wake up to tomorrow, if you thanked God for all the things you have today? Really got me thinking and I made QUITE the list. 🙂 Just another reminder of how blessed...

Best seats ever!

Last Sunday I went to a Magic Game and had the best seats ever. I know… words like “best” and “ever” are not always accurate. But, I’m talking feet on the hardwood, high five-ing the mascot, face time on the Jumbo-tron, front row seats. Seats where you yell something...


I am a fan of the Seattle Seahawks. Do you know what fan is short for? Fanatic, meaning “a person with wildly excessive or irrational devotion, dedication, or enthusiasm.” That’s right. I support a team with extreme and uncritical zeal that has never won a Super Bowl....

God’s Resolution

Walking my dogs the other day, I couldn’t help but notice a lot of joggers? Oh yeah… new year resolutions. I bet your gym is packed this month. People resolving to be different this year. Healthier, smarter, more fiscally responsible. It’s easy to be cynical...