New is scary & exciting

I just dropped off my baby at Middle School, and I think I am more nervous than my daughter. New chapters are always a mix of emotions; it’s the unknown that is scary and exciting. Chris Reites talked about Choose Your Own Adventure books on Sunday. I thought about...

Lip-sync the works of God

The other night my children were playing a game that perfectly reflects me. They were lip-syncing to each other’s voices. So as I heard Lowery’s voice, Grace’s cute face was contorting, reacting and finding great joy in pretending this was her voice. Both were dancing...

Heaven is a committed relationship?

Jesus isn’t fire insurance! I heard this phrase in the church while growing up. Mostly grown up now, and I see what the church was trying to say. “You can’t just say you believe in Jesus and continue in your unethical ways.” Sure you can, that’s the good news. But...

Trust me, I’m a Jedi Master

“Dude…trust me! Know one will ever know or care, c’mon!” This sentence always makes total sense while breaking into a schools indoor swimming pool at midnight. Trust. The source of most of our problems. Why is it so hard to trust God? Can’t see...

Help me, help you

Imagine this conversation with a Kid- Mommy… Daddy… Good morning. Will you help me to take care of this house today? I just ask that you would help me to do the dishes the best I can. So could you arrange for there to be little to no dishes in the sink...